Celebrating the God of Vengeance at Work in our midst

Celebrating the God of Vengeance at Work in our midst

More often than not, until vengeance answers, our breakthrough is not in view. We have to demand for vengeance, for the God of vengeance to respond. The following testimonies validate the fact that vengeance belongs to our God.

Prophetic Covering is Still Real Today

Prophetic Covering is Still Real Today

God still has Prophets in the Body of Christ today! The following testimonies validate the prophetic covering over the members of the Winners’ family worldwide:

Business Breakthrough via Evangelism

On my way out, I boarded a public transport. I decided that I would witness for Christ in the bus that day, and I did. While I was preaching, I noticed that my phone was ringing but I did not answer the call. After I alighted from the bus, I called the person back and lo and behold, it was a new mega Client.

Strange Illness Healed

I joined this Commission in 2002. I experienced a strange illness and suffered pains all over my body, which didn’t allowed me to do anything. I did not have money to go to the hospital for treatment, so I decided to show God my tithe booklet.

12 Year Affliction gone via Kingdom Stewardship and Communion

I was Muslim from a strong Muslim family. It all started when I was coming from prayer at the Mosque, when I was stopped by some Winners’ brethren on outreach and was ministered to. I gave my life to Christ then and there on that day.

Entitlement of Seven years fully paid

During the covenant hour of prayer, I came with one prayer point: “Father, let there be sudden supernatural testimonies in the life of every Winner in our Zonal center”.

Supernatural Turnaround via Soul Winning

In January 2013, my wife and I believed God for a total turnaround and we held a vigil to that effect. During the vigil, God spoke to us and said, “The platform for your change of story is to engage in outreaches in the year 2013”.

Healed of Ovarian Cysts by the Power of God’s Word

God healed me and I have been free since October 2014. I had severe abdominal pain and dizziness when I bent down. I went to see my gynecologist, and he told me after series of tests that I had ovarian cysts the size of a tennis ball.