Healed of Ovarian Cysts by the Power of God’s Word

God healed me and I have been free since October 2014. I had severe abdominal pain and dizziness when I bent down. I went to see my gynecologist, and he told me after series of tests that I had ovarian cysts the size of a tennis ball due to the contraceptive I was on. He said it happened to 1% of women on the type of contraceptive I was on. I was given some medication and also told that I should come back after six weeks. He said that if the cyst was still present after using the medication that I will have to go for surgery.

 The Pastor declared last Sunday “There is a woman here with Hormonal imbalance; it is over” and instantly I knew it was my case that he mentioned and I claimed it and I was healed. The following Thursday I went back to see the gynecologist. He ran some tests again and checked everywhere and found nothing. He checked the previous test again and he was awed. I told him that God healed me. I give all the glory to God for healing me.

– Testimony submitted by Barbara O.

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