12 Year Affliction gone via Kingdom Stewardship and Communion

My name is Ibrahim Aminu Tamba. I was Muslim from a strong Muslim family and also an IT consultant and a graduate of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Ghana. It all started when I was coming from prayer at the Mosque, when I was stopped by some Winners’ brethren on outreach and was ministered to and there, I gave my life to Christ on that day.

By the grace of God since that day I have keyed in to the Wonder Double Prophetic Agenda declared by God’s Servant, and God has allowed me to win 6 souls to Christ. They were all Muslims and now has been converted to Christ.

Moreover, I have been battling with an illness for 12 years. There was always a thick cloth of blood that usually comes from my brain. I have visited hospitals and spent money on drugs all to no avail. I had to eat ice blocks to stop the bleeding each time until when I heard about the Healing Banquet Service which I attended and in which I partook of the communion. From that moment till now, I have not experienced any sign of bleeding. I have been made whole. I have returned to give all the glory to the God of Winners.

 – Testimony submitted by Ibrahim Aminu Tamba

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