Declaring Operation Compel them to Come 2016

Jesus once spoke in the parable of the king that made a great feast and invited many to come, but upon being disappointed by those invited for the feast the king commanded his servants saying,

“Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the feeble, and the blind, and the lame…: Go out into the highways and hedges, and COMPEL THEM TO COME IN, that my houe may be filled.” – Luke 14:21-23

It is from the above scriptures that Operation Compel Them to Come is prophetically derived. While we have been redeemed as sons and daughters of the Most High God, quite a number of us have also made a choice to serve Him and this is what has made us servants of the King of kings and Lord of lords (Galatians 3:28, Joshua 24:15).

From this parable, we discover that we have been called, among other things, to compel men and women to come in to the church to become partakers of the feast of fat things that God has prepared for them, that is the life-transforming Word of God (Isaiah 25:6-9, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Matthew 4:4).

We also understand from scriptures that God has covenanted to differentiate between those who are serving Him and those who are not among His children (Malachi 3:17-18).

This is why it is wisdom to choose to serve God because everything we would ever need is accessible through fruitful kingdom-advancement stewardship (Matthew 6:33, Job 36:11).

Therefore within the next two weeks, we shall be going all out after everyone ordained unto eternal life and by the power of the Holy Ghost, every one of our targets shall be drafted into this church, convicted, converted an established in the faith in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

The following testimony unveils the dramatic change of story order of returns we should expect as we engage in kingdom-advancement prayers all through the period of this Operation.

Miracle Conception through Kingdom-Advancement Engagement!

“In October 2015, I participated in the Wonder-Double Prophetic Agenda phase 2, but I concentrated more on praying for myself, because I had been believing God for the fruit of the womb for three years then, but at the end of everything, nothing happened.

This year 2016, I heard testimonies of people who said they forgot about themselves and concentrated on Kingdom-advancement prayers and got amazing results. So I decided to follow their footsteps by forgetting about myself, but wholeheartedly and passionately concentrated on praying for souls and God’s kingdom. Praying for souls became a burden in my heart. I prayed until I knew God had heard me, because whenever I heard testimonies of salvation, I told myself ‘I prayed exactly about this’.

I began the prayers on February 15, 2016 when the Operation By All Means Prophetic Agenda began. By March 6, 2016, I was confirmed pregnant, and the result indicated I got pregnant on the 29th of February, 2016. I am still in shock of God’s acts and speed. Indeed, Matthew 6:33 works. God has given me my first quantum leap blessing. I am blessed to be part of this ministry and grateful for the privilege to work for God; it has turned my life around. Thank you Jesus. – Sandra, Laura”

From this testimony, we discover that the 3-year ordeal of this testifier came to an end as a dream of the night within two weeks.

It does not take time to experience a change of story. It only takes quality engagement with the truth. Because when we walk in the light of His word, we are sure to begin to shine forth without stress (Isaiah 60:1-3)

We should also remember that according to scripture, testimonies are pointers to our heritage in Christ (Psalm 119:111).

This implies that anyone can secure dramatic change of story in just two weeks of unreserved and total engagement to what the Spirit of God is asking us to do in this prophetic season.

In the same vein, we can provoke supernatural turnaround through tireless engagement towards the pursuit of the supernatural church growth agenda for the hour. This second testimony validates this truth:

Supernatural Turnaround through Soul Winning!

“When Wonder-Double phase 3 began, every morning after the Covenant Hour of Prayer, I would locate myself at Maryland bus stop, by Mobil filling station and chase after passenger. On one occasion, God gave me 14 souls (danfo drivers and conductors) on the spot. They all voluntarily gave their lives to Christ and are members of this church today. God has confirmed the first of the four quantum leaps prophecy in my life in the first quarter of the year 2016 as declared by Bishop David Oyedepo. God suddenly visited and blessed me with a two wing house on 1,200 sq meters in an estate at Maryland, Lagos valued at N150m, being the second house within one year. To God be all the glory. – B. Baruwa”

In the light o the above, everyone who chooses to engage faithfully in the Operation Compel them to Come shall be visited with undeniable proofs of change of story after the order of the testimonies herein highlighted.

Furthermore, as the Lord lives, there shall be waves of overnight turnaround testimonies after the order of Isaac, who went forward and became very great until he became the envy of the Philistines all within the space of one year! (Genesis 26:12-14)

Moreover, this is our Isaac-order of the year, as it has been prophetically declared time and again since the year began. Therefore, everyone walking in obedience to all prophetic instructions this year shall end up with the Isaac-order of testimony.

In this Operation Compel them to Come, every Winner is expected to compel a minimum of four souls to come in to this church within the next two weeks and believe God to save and establish them in the faith and in this church.

Therefore, in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Operation Compel them to Come is hereby flagged of today to run between April 18, 2016 and May 1, 2016 in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

From Glory to Glory – That’s where we are all going!

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo
President and Founder
Winners’ Chapel International